
Detailed Guide to iOS 16 Features

  • Sep 20, 2022
  • Liam Hoffmann
Detailed Guide to iOS 16 Features

Devoted iPhone fans expected the iOS 16 system with anticipation. There were numerous rumors about multiple new features, which apparently were true. The lock screen you can customize is only one part of the deal. The update is already available for iPhone owners and you can upgrade your phone at any time. However, there are some users who wonder whether they need these changes in the first place.

Apple made an announcement about the upcoming iOS 16 earlier in spring during the WWDC conference. There were several beta tests before it was finally released. Now, users who tried it highlight a wide range of improvements in the system and numerous features.

Major Changes and Additions

The first thing that comes to mind whenever we talk about iOS 16 is the customizable lock screen, Apple was talking so much. Yet, there are many more features like battery percentage, the ability to edit messages you’ve sent, and even an advanced editor for your photos. Here are the most popular features for iOS 16 users:

  • You can edit the message you’ve sent or change your mind and unsend it. If you notice typos you don’t need in the message you’ve sent, you can easily fix them in the new system. At first, you will be able to fix messages only. After you’ve sent it you will see the “edit” option. The letter will have the “edited” status. If you change your mind and don’t want to send a message at all, you can recall it. There is an Undo Send option that allows you to remove the letter before it is read. You may also mark the already read messages as unread so you would not lose them in the box, and will be able to come back to them later;
  • Lock screen you can customize. Normally we look at the lock screen even more than we use the phone. Those who have Face IDs always start their work with this screen in the first place. However, this screen usually looks standard and boring. The iOS 16 changes the situation, helping you to edit the screen up to your preferences. All you need to do is press the screen and hold it so you can edit the design. You can change the style, colors, and photo in the background. It looks similar to the Material You from Google which is available on Android 12. You can customize the fonts for specific dates and times, and add temperature or calendar widgets. Moreover, you may switch the widgets on your screen. The photo shuffle helps you to change the pictures on the screen;
  • Always-on working display. This feature was much awaited by iPhone owners since they were tired of going through the Face ID recognition process or unblocking the screen. While almost all Android phones have it, this is something all iPhone owners want. Apple Watch has had this option for quite some time. Now, new iPhone 14 models with iOS 16 have this feature;
  • Notifications on your screen are removed to the bottom. They will no longer cover your photo on the screen completely. Moreover, they will be seen as vertical carousels. If you use your phone with one hand, you will deal with these notifications easier. If you receive lots of notifications from one app, this is a problem since they all appear on the screen. There is a Live Activities feature in iOS 16 that helps you to see thru them and get to the most important notifications from different areas;
  • The Wallet app is highly secured in iOS 16. You can protect your identity and hide your age. The app will not see your birthday, so it will only mention that you are mature. You will have more ID cards from different states with extended privacy features;
  • There is a simplified ability to share keys on iOS 16. You can exchange the info via Message and Mail. You may share it with your family or friends. They can add these keys to their Wallet app on their phones.

Helpful Features For You

You have to admit that Apple did its best to reveal multiple features you may need. You can update your phone to the new system and check them all. There are more features you will like.

Have you checked the new version? Do you like it? Express your thoughts in the comments.

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