
Shazam - Discover songs & lyrics in seconds

  • Sofia Martinez
  • Jul 17, 2021

The Shazam app is one of the most popular apps on the market today. One of the reasons for this is because of the many different features that the app has. The app will tag a song that is playing and it will tell you who the artist, album, and song is. It will also show you the other songs that the artist has and allow you to buy them. You can also make a playlist of all the songs that Shazam tags. The app will also allow you to buy the song on iTunes or Amazon. Shazam also lets you buy the song on YouTube and Spotify. Shazam will need to hear the audio of music or TV for it to identify the song or TV show. Shazam is also available on PCs, Macs, and Windows Phones.

This article will give an overview of Shazam. Shazam is a music identification application that can identify songs, TV shows, and films. This article will include information about the features, design, usability, and advantages and disadvantages of the application.


Shazam is an app that is designed to identify music and TV. Some features of the app are that it can identify a TV show and provide related information, such as a synopsis and cast of TV show. Shazam can also identify music by artist, song, lyrics, and more. The app is available on PCs, Macs, and Windows Phones.

Shazam is primarily a music identification service. Shazam users can use the Shazam app to identify and connect with a song playing on a nearby device or television. 

The Shazam app also includes a social networking feature, which allows users to post and like songs on Shazam. Users can also comment on the song and share the song on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks.

The Shazam app also includes a "What's Next" feature, which offers a list of ten songs that are a perfect match for the song that was identified.


Shazam has a design that is straightforward and easy to use. The design is also simple enough for children and adults alike to use.

Information about usability

Shazam is a very easy app to use. It is easy to use for children and adults alike, and the design is simple and straightforward.


Shazam is an app that is available for free on Android and iOS devices that can identify music and TV. Shazam can not only identify music but also provide music by artist, song, lyrics, and more. It can identify a TV show and provide related information, such as a synopsis and cast of a TV show.

  • Shazam is an app that is available for free on Android and iOS devices that can identify music and TV
  • Shazam can not only identify music but also provide music by artist, song, lyrics, and more
  • It can identify a TV show and provide related information, such as a synopsis and cast of a TV show
  • The Shazam app has a lot of ads
  • The Shazam app doesn't have a way to save songs that are identified